Vine Gogh Wine Bar & Art Studio

Cindy’s December Wreath Class


From 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm

At VineGogh Wine Bar & Art Studio

821 Main Street


Time to get festive and celebrate winter with Cindy's December class.  This will be the last one before Christmas so we suggest signing on early.  We can't wait to see you.  Cindy's classes are affordable and she is by far one of the most talented wreath makers/teachers in the area.  We have hosted a number of her sold out wreath workshops all year and the creations that come out of these workshops are always jaw dropping!  Make a wreath for your home or give it as a gift.  

Instructions:  When you fill out the registration form include your wreath choice where it says "any questions or comments".  Once you hit submit please wait for the payment screen to load.  Thanks! 

There are 9 people coming.

This class is now full please check back for future events!


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